Kebakaran Di RNRMU Moscow: IKRAM Ucap Takziah

Kenyataan Media
Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia (IKRAM)
24 April 2015 bersamaan 5 Rejab 1436H
Kebakaran Di RNRMU Moscow: IKRAM Ucap Takziah Kepada Pelajar Dan Keluarga
Giatkan tarbiah, jayakan Negara Rahmah

BUKIT BERUNTUNG – Timbalan Presiden IKRAM, Ustaz Hj Hasanuddin Mohd Yunus menggesa ahli-ahli IKRAM supaya giat berusaha meneruskan tarbiah untuk melahirkan lebih ramai generasi yang soleh serta berupaya meyakinkan masyarakat bahawa keindahan Islam mampu menjadikan Malaysia sebagai sebuah Negara Rahmah.
The Star : Islamic scholars fighting the spread of IS ideology PETALING JAYA: Islamic scholars in Malaysia insist they are against the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group and have done as much as they can to fight the spread of its ideology on the home front. Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) director-general Datuk Othman Mustapha said they had been making a strong stand against the […]
Evakuasi rakyat Malaysia dari Yaman: IKRAM ucap tahniah

Kenyataan Media
Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia (IKRAM)
14 April 2015 bersamaan 24 Jamadilakhir 1436H
IKRAM Ucap Tahniah Dan Terima Kasih Atas Proses Evakuasi Rakyat Malaysia Dari Yaman
IKRAM Disgusted With The Continuous False Allegations Towards Mohammed Badie

Media Statement
Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia
14 April 2015 – 24 Jamadilakhir 1436H
IKRAM Disgusted With The Continuous False Allegations Towards Mohammed Badie
IKRAM Denounces the Execution of Muhammad Kamaruzzaman in Bangladesh

Media Statement
Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia
14 April 2015 – 24 Jamadilakhir 1436H
IKRAM Denounces the Execution of Muhammad Kamaruzzaman in Bangladesh