Kejayaan kerana usaha atau suratan? Satu pengalaman

Cikgu Sathivel! Beberapa hari pada minggu ini teringat saya kepada cikgu Matematik Tambahan semasa Tingkatan 5 pada 30 tahun yang lalu. Tercetus ingatan saya pada beliau apabila mengenangkan perihal nasib dan rezeki, qadak dan qadar, dan takdir. Teringin untuk menulis dan berkongsi bagaimana peranan guru ini mempengaruhi kehidupan saya sehingga ke hari ini. […]
Behavioural change the way forward as Malaysia enters endemic phase

The latest announcement by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health on the adoption of behavioural change is the right step as Malaysia aims to enter the endemic phase after October. Behavioural change is indeed much needed in the new norms as our population learn to live with the coronavirus. Since last year, […]
Intensify evidence-based, behaviourally-informed interventions to combat Covid-19

But this time, the country is facing bigger hurdles with pandemic fatigue, increasing sporadic cases and new, potentially more malicious variants of coronavirus. With changing circumstances and nature of the pandemic, a new strategy is required. For a more effective management of the pandemic, five recommendations are outlined here: 1) Intensify evidence-based […]