Revamping the STEM education post-pandemic

Schools throughout the nation have started to reopen and allow students to experience face to face classes. The students gradually started to return to school in compliance to the guideline by the Ministry of Education. In line with this, a rotation system has been implemented in order to minimize the number of students and consequently […]
Local universities should introduce pass/fail grading systems

Everyday, we often hope that this pandemic is going to get better and the number of cases will get lower. Nonetheless, the reality of Malaysia is that the positivity rate is on the rise and the number of cases has reached an all-time high.
Jangan pinggirkan graduan pendidikan

Pada 20 Jun yang lalu, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) telah mengadakan sidang media khas berkenaan pengumuman pengambilan khas guru secara ‘one-off.’
Decentralizing education: A better approach for students

As online classes continue, more students are being left behind. Pre-Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen that Malaysia’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) score in 2018 is below average amongst OECD countries. In reading, we had a mean score of 415 points while in mathematics and science, it was 440 points and 420 points […]
Hakikat pembelajaran pelajar miskin bandar

Setiap minggu kita menyaksikan kes positif Covid-19 semakin meningkat dan tiada petanda akan menurun dalam masa terdekat. Institusi pendidikan juga tidak terlepas daripada menjadi tempat penularan virus ini.
Hentikan gangguan seksual di sekolah

Baru-baru ini kita dikejutkan di media sosial dengan aduan daripada seorang pelajar perempuan mengenai lawak rogol yang diutarakan oleh seorang guru PJK sewaktu berdiskusi perihal gangguan seksual. Lawak tersebut mendapat sambutan daripada rakan sekelasnya yang lain khususnya dalam kalangan pelajar lelaki.