Compassion – The Antidote To Religious Intolerance

In The Name of Allah The Most Beneficient The Most Merciful All Praise is for Allah It was a wonderful honour and opportunity for many delegates to build bridges and break misconceptions at the International Interfaith Peace Conference 2022 with the theme “Compassion – The Antidote to Religious Intolerance” which was held on Saturday, 25 […]
Apa Itu Islam? – Panduan Mudah Dakwah Non-Muslim

Tugas menyampaikan mesej Islam kepada masyarakat terutamanya mereka yang bukan Islam (non-Muslim) adalah menjadi tanggungjawab kepada semua Muslim. Tugas ini bukanlah terbeban kepada golongan ‘ustaz’ dan ‘ustazah’ sahaja. Dalam al-Quran, begitu banyak ayat yang menuntut kita untuk berdakwah dan berkongsikan keindahan Islam sebagai agama rahmat buat semua manusia. Persediaan untuk memberikan penjelasan mengenai Islam kepada […]
More Pressing To Improve Income Of The B40 And M40 Groups

The government had announced recently that there will be a new ceiling price for chicken, though the price has yet to be set. This is a U-turn to an earlier announcement that the government would remove the ceiling price for chicken, having being criticised as the public is faced by rising cost of living while […]