Revamping the STEM education post-pandemic
Schools throughout the nation have started to reopen and allow students to experience face to face classes. The students gradually started to return to school in compliance to the guideline by the Ministry of Education. In line with this, a rotation system has been implemented in order to minimize the number of students and consequently […]
Saat terbaik kembalikan mandat rakyat
Selesai sudah penamaan calon bagi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Melaka semalam, sebagaimana dilaporkan Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) Datuk Abdul Ghani Salleh dalam sidang medianya. Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) Melaka kali ini menyaksikan 112 calon layak bertanding, dengan pertandingan enam penjuru di tiga kawasan membabitkan kerusi DUN Asahan, Duyong dan Gadek. “Sebanyak lima […]