Sajak: Pembawa Rahmah


Banyak dasawarsa silam
Sejarahmu tertulis
Dengan tinta kearifan
Bila gugusan usrah terbentuk
Dalam kelompok…
yang kehausan petunjuk.

Langkahmu maju
Bila diri…
ingin mencapai bintang
dengan semangat tak terkekang.

Fikrahmu adalah natijah…
idealisme sebuah jamaah
impian alami sebuah jabhah
pemusafiran sebuah kafilah.

Dari gurun gersang dan pantai dibakar mentari
Dari banjaran gunung bersalju beku
Dari kefirusan air lautan tropika
Engkau penemu akal dan kalbu.

Akalmu berfikir
Kalbumu berzikir.

membangun ranah
memberi erti kepada daulah.

Indah, tak mudah patah.

Jiwamu umpama keris
Tempaan sang empu…
penggembleng nikel dan besi
Hingga pamor…
menjalar bak ekor naga bercahaya
mekar bak bunga raya.

Takdirmu, sejarah dilakar
Di sudut alam
Bernama Nusantara
Bercapaian seantero dunia.

Oleh kawan namamu dipuji dan dijulang
Oleh si keliru namamu dikeji dan ditendang
Dan lasykar siber terus rencana keliru…
mahu menjadi seteru
Dijulang dan dipuji
Ditendang dan dikeji.

Namun salam rahmah kau hulur selalu…
kepada kawan dan si keliru
kepada semua.

Engkau hanyalah gerombolan insan
Sesekali tergelincir
Banyak kali di depan tak tercicir.

Ketaatan dalam kepengikutan
Kepedulian kasih dalam kepemimpinan.

Keliutanmu dalam jiwa merdeka
Kerana rukuk dan sujudmu…
hanya untuk Tuhan Maha Esa
bukan untuk reda manusia.

penghayatan risalah Qur’an
pelaksanaan Sunnah kerasulan
penyantunan makhluk Tuhan.

Dengan jejak yang tetap
Engkau bergerak menuju ufuk esok
Tanpa cemas bimbang
Setenang wajah tasik yang diusap bayu lembut.

Biar seribu amanah digalas
Bantuan engkau pohon daripada Yang Maha Kuasa.

Tiada gundah berlarutan
Hanya keredaan yang digemakan…
ke seluruh ruang alam
ke Arasy Tuhan Maha Agung.

mewarisi rahmatan lil-‘alamin
sarat kemurahan hati untuk jagat insan
di bawah teduhan kasih ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim.

di medan tempur keadilan lawan kezaliman
di pentas dunia kemakrufan lawan kemungkaran
di kancah sosial kemanusiaan lawan kerasisan.

Namamu bererti kemuliaan…
berinti keluli kerahmatan
bersalut emas keimanan
bertatah intan kecintaan.

Presiden Pengasas IKRAM & Penulis Lirik “Lagu IKRAM” (Music & Artis: SaffOne)

Video penuh deklamasi:

[Versi Bahasa Inggeris]


Many decades past
Your history was written
With the ink of gnosis
When the cluster of families was formed
Amongst the groups…
that thirst for guidance.

Your steps advanced
When the self…
yearned to reach for the stars
with a spirit unbridled.

Your thought is a result of…
the idealism of a congregation
the universal dream of a front
the journey of a caravan.

From barren deserts and sun-baked beaches
From snowed frozen mountain ranges
From the turquoise waters of tropical seas
You are the enjoiner of the mind and the heart.

Your mind reflects
Your heart meditates

develop the domain
give meaning to the nation.

Beautiful, not easily broken.

Your spirit is like the kris
The casting of the “empu” (kris-maker)…
the forger of nickel and iron
Till the “pamor” (alloy décor)…
slithers like a dragon’s tail brigthened
blossoms like the hibiscus.

Your fate, history was sketched
At the corner of the universe
Named Nusantara
Linked to the whole world.

By the friend, your name is praised and hoisted
By the confused one, your name is cursed and kicked
And cybertroopers continue to plan confusion…
wanting to become the enemy
Hoisted and praised
Kicked and cursed.

Yet always you offer the greeting of mercy…
to the friend and the confused one
to all and sundry.

You are a mere group of mortals
Occasionally slipping
Many times keeping abreast.

Obedience in followership
Loving care in leadership.

Your resilience is in the soul that’s free
Because your bowing and prostration…
are only for God the Supreme One
not for the pleasure of man.

Your secret…
living with the message of the Qur’an
Your strength…
executing the way of Messengership
Your beauty…
engaging with the creatures of God.

With steady steps
You move towards tomorrow’s horizon
Without the angst
Tranquil as the countenance of the lake carressed by the soft wind.

Let there be a thousand trusts shouldered
You seek succour from the Omnipotent.

No sorrow remains
Only pleasure that is echoed…
to the whole space of the universe
to the Throne of God Most High.

You inherit mercy to all the worlds…
filled with generosity for mankind
under the love shade of the Benevolent, the Merciful.

You are…
in the battlefield of justice against inequity
on the world stage of goodness against badness
in the social theatre of humanity against racism.

Your name means nobleness…
with the essence of the steel of mercy
encased in the gold of faith
decorated with the diamond of love.

Founding President of IKRAM & Lyricist of the “IKRAM Song” (Music & Artiste: SaffOne)

3 Tahun PTI Tidak Dapat Dilangsungkan, Kini Tiba Masanya…

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Masjid Al Muqarabbin, Taman Angsana, Kulim

Sungai Petani

Masjid Bandar Perdana, Bandar Perdana Sg Petani

Kubang Pasu / Alor Setar

Masjid An Nur IPG Kampus Darulaman, Jitra


Masjid Sultan Ahmad Shah, Pekan

Pahang Barat

Surau RPSB Kg. Pagar, Penjom, Lipis

Pahang Barat

Surau Al Hidayah, Kg Melayu Sg Lui, Raub

Kota Samarahan

Masjid Al-Malik, Taman Uni Garden

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