Muhyiddin should give priority to prove majority confidence in Parliament

We, the undersigned organisations, question Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin’s special television address yesterday that presents seven proposals – an olive branch for cross-party agreement to the opposition parties – only to stay in power under the guise of institutional reform goals. Under the current shakey Perikatan Nasional (PN) regime, this is undoubtedly not the […]
Kesan Covid-19 Terhadap Ekonomi, Rakyat Terus Terhimpit

Semenjak pandemik Covid-19 melanda, kita sedar bahawa banyak golongan yang terkesan, bermula daripada kanak-kanak hinggalah golongan dewasa termasuk juga golongan belia dan warga emas. Banyak sektor terjejas teruk termasuklah sektor ekonomi. Lantaran itu, Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia (IKRAM) telah menganjurkan Bicara Bina Negara yang ke-13 (BBN 13) yang bertajuk ‘Menangani Ekonomi Rakyat Dalam Pandemik Covid 19’ […]